


  • Team Leader

    Development and implementation of customer solutions for various industries such as IT, manufacturers, finance, services, etc. You will develop Web applications or Mobile applications leading with the junior engineers as a team leader.

  • Software Engineer

    Development and implementation of customer solutions for various industries such as IT, manufacturers, finance, services, etc. You will develop Web applications (mainly back-end) using technologies such as Java, C #, JavaScript, React.js, TypeScript, PHP, Python, etc., or Мobile applications using Flutter, React Native, Unity, Java, Swift, etc. Based on your experience, you will be involved in one of the requirements definition, design, and/or implementation phases.

  • AI Engineer

    Development and implementation of customer solutions for various industries such as IT, manufacturers, finance, services, etc. You will do image recognition or object detection using machine learning or deep learning, implement a learning model or algorithm such as natural language processing, or build a new system using the analysis result.

  • Data Scientist

    Development and implementation of customer solutions for various industries such as IT, manufacturers, finance, services, etc. You will analyze the data, implement algorithms, create predictive models using machine learning (decision tree, logistic regression, random forest, naive bayes classifier, k-NN, k-means or neural network), build a hypothesis using statistical analysis and clustering.

  • Infrastructure Engineer

    Development and implementation of customer solutions for various industries such as IT, manufacturers, finance, services, etc. You will design or build a network, select a suitable switch and router, or design, build or maintain a server.

  • Architect / Civil Engineer

    Customer solutions for various industries such as general contractor, construction, construction consultant, etc. You will operate a CAD, BIM or CIM software related to architectural or civil engineering.